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Thorsten Dittrich - Painting / Drawing / Collage
Thorsten Dittrich
Über Ihn
Mental Landscapes
Mental Landscapes
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A bed that is never mine (2015)
A brief parting (2015)
A constant daydream (2016)
A Day in March (2016)
A Day in November II (2012)
A Day in September (2012)
A golden promise (2015)
A night preparing an unending day (2016)
A Nordic Day (2012)
A peripatetic philosophy (2016)
A plentiful palette of moods (2016)
A shred of new reasons (2016)
A song that voices never shared (2015)
A Taste of Truth (2015)
A wayfaring stranger (2015)
Ablution (2014)
Across the clutches of time (2016)
Aisle (2014)
Almost in Love (2016)
Altimeter (2014)
An aging laughter of the unknown (2016)
An end from a beginning (2018)
An haunting idea of beginning (2016)
And hum a purring note (2016)
Anecdote (2014)
Assign (2014)
Audibility (2014)
Awakening for the purity (2016)
Back to the first harmonies (2017)
Beat the time (2014)
Beresina (2013)
Better to watch the fireplace (2016)
Between two stages (2016)
Beyond all innocence (2016)
Calligraphy of things (2016)
Catching Yourself Thinking (2015)
Change and Promise (2012)
Change of Voice (2013)
Coming in in all directions (2015)
Contingent of what it is (2016)
Crossing the threshold (2016)
Cure for fever or melancholy (2016)
Dancing with an invisible prophet (2016)
Decapsulation (2013)
Dreaming in the absence of infraction (2016)
Drinking from my broken cup (2015)
Dropping some truth (2016)
Encumbered by a million words (2019)
Epic in the episode (2016)
Footnote to a different time (2016)
For after all (2016)
For the journey home (2016)
For the journey home II (2016)
From which they are derived (2016)
Full glass of an empty bottle (2017)
Gears follow my drift (2015)
Ghostwriting (2015)
Gleanings (2015)
Gratifying new changes (2016)
Guess I never told you (2015)
High in Summer (2014)
Hoping for some sleep tonight (2016)
How many days before (2016)
Hyphen I (2014)
Hyphen II (2014)
Hypostase (2013)
In back of the real (2016)
It won't matter anymore (2015)
It's not that way (2015)
Its untouchable grace (2019)
Katabatic Wind (2013)
Last train is nearly due (2016)
Leading to another revealation (2017)
Left in silence (2016)
Left to answer for (2016)
Leisure Hour (2014)
Licence (2014)
Low voltage noise (2015)
Molaren (2013)
Neither aware nor absent from (2016)
Neurons Storm (2013)
Never promised (2015)
Never to trace, never to hold (2017)
Nightshade (2014)
No end inside (2016)
No words but these to tell (2015)
Not truth or transcendence (2015)
Noun and dash of consciousness (2015)
Only passing through (2015)
Only sometimes (2016)
Outside in the distance (2016)
Peripetie (2012)
Point of Fracture (2014)
Read the omens (2018)
Removing the spell (2018)
Rereading the telegram (2016)
Ripcord (2015)
Rivulets forging errant lanes (2016)
Rummage for clue and trace (2018)
Scuttle (2012 / 2014)
Serenity sleeps with your thoughts (2016)
Silently sharing the same (2016)
Sleeping in a sudden doubt (2016)
Slowly moved from (2016)
Some finest traits to gild your time (2017)
Some finest trails to gild your time, Detail (2017)
Some tangible evidences (2016)
Some unspoken thoughts (2016)
Someone had to drop some truth (2016)
Stray (2014)
Such cascading eternity (2016)
Taking a step of courage (2018)
Taking back some memories (2018)
Talking above the sky (2016)
Tell them with glee (2018)
Temporary smell of season (2016)
Tergiversation (2013)
The Call (2013)
The calm procession of eternal things (2016)
The concept of a wandering mind (2016)
The Decision (2013)
The ground is rich enough (2016)
The impression getting from looking in (2016)
The Mission (2013)
The one who never remembered (2016)
The paradox of simpleness (2016)
The savagery of a moody privity (2016)
The sudden peace of an open road (2016)
The unexpected visitor (2016)
The Witness (2013)
They gambled for (2015)
This voyage, hovering in mind (2017)
Those who wait (2016)
Those who wait II (2016)
To forgive and be forgotten soon (2016)
To forgive and be forgotten soon, Detail (2016)
Tonus (2012)
Transforming all the naughts (2017)
Trap Circuit (2014)
Triggered by this frequency (2016)
Turn into your own thought (2016)
Tympanum (2014)
Unconsciously day dreaming (2016)
Way Home (2012)
What had begun, a kind of grace (2016)
What note is f heptachord titus (2015)
Where beauty stands and wait (2017)
While adrift in the calm (2016)
Word Splitting (2015)
Zephyr (2015)