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Thorsten Dittrich - Painting / Drawing / Collage
Thorsten Dittrich
Über Ihn
Collage II
Collage II
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A calm voice amid the din (2018)
A cosmic sting to connect (2018)
A dearer time together (2018)
A deceving reflection (2020)
A delicate operation (2020)
A different experience (2018)
A growing turmoil inside (2018)
A spirit best remembers being mute (2017)
All shades have names (2018)
An Idea of something blooming (2017)
An orbit of universal mentality (2017)
Anticipation (2014)
Ascent (2014)
Be as the moondrops (2016)
Berceuse (2014)
Black Box (2013)
But after all the sun (2020)
Different sound tinkling in the cotton (2015)
Entering with hesitant steps (2016)
Even though you're just a stranger (2016)
Follow them in silence (2018)
Forgot to mention the moon (2015)
From their roots (2018)
Go on closing your eyes (2015)
In a particular place (2018)
In a timeless place (2018)
In bad order (2013)
Ingrain (2014)
Leaving with permanent marks (2015)
Less upon what is suggested (2016)
Let Loose (2014)
Listening for the deepest part (2018)
Long distance call (2015)
Matrize (2014)
Medea (2012)
No hermit in those mounts (2015)
Nomos (2014)
None but ourselves (2015)
Omsies (2012)
Page of Strabon (2014)
Panta rhei (2013)
Perfect beauty of a sunflower (2015)
Planting our heart flower seeds (2016)
Prefering to be held for ransom (2016)
Premises to keep (2016)
Prolegomena (2014)
Promised answers (2015)
Quantum Leap (2016)
Reward of a golden escape (2018)
Rural Opportunities (2013)
Separated from reality (2016)
Shaped by orphaned constellations (2016)
Simple pulsing charms (2018)
Smoke with no fire (2015)
Some ceaseless sigh for answers (2018)
Some confound manifestations (2019)
Some remarkable things (2018)
Some tattered semi-hopes (2018)
Somethin' to arrive (2015)
Splendid enough to remember (2015)
Still blades of breath (2020)
Suddenly into the light (2016)
Swishing its windy way down (2016)
Tasting the next pretending (2016)
The adventure of a touch (2018)
The blank of a questioned sky (2016)
The breathless precision of silence (2017)
The Detainer (2014)
The end of a sentence (2016)
The most confident unease (2018)
The thin end of the wedge (2014)
This brisk fraternity of timing (2017)
Those who dare transition (2016)
Those who had a different dream (2016)
Treeline (2014/2009)
Turning Circle (2010)
While amongst friends (2018)
While suspended in time (2016)